The curriculum for the B.Des. Programme inculcates from the very beginning, the importance of design process and critical thinking. Structured to give the students adequate learning both conceptually and skills.
The Programme envisions that by the end of the course, students are not only trained and equipped with their professional learning, they are also sensitized and nurtured to be good, empathetic and ethical participants of a vibrant design community of the future who can bring about a change in the quality of life and create a sustainable new world. UID’s course on Visual Communication empowers the student to produce creative solutions to meet visual design needs of society. It helps students to become problem solvers and develop effective information & communication. Students are equipped with technical and conceptual skills to articulate and express ideas, think conceptually, conduct research and critically evaluate the process. The course involves imparting Knowledge in Critical Thinking, Design Process and Visual narratives to create defined solutions in the ambit of both Digital and Print mediums.